March – Seurat

Have you ever wondered how artists create moods with their colors?  Well, this month we are going to learn about the science behind the art.

We will be looking at the work of:

Georges Seurat

To prepare for class, please spend some time studying A Sunday on La Grande Jatte.  (Quick tip – changing how you present art can alter the reaction you get from your children.  I stuck our extra copy in the car this week.  The kids have been having fun passing it back and forth playing “I spy.”)

A Sunday on La Grande Jatte
Art Institute of Chicago

This is a work that truly needs to be seen on a larger scale to be appreciated.
To view a larger version click here.

We are going to be doing some of our own pointillist art.  For this month’s project you will need:

See you Friday, March 15th at 6:30!
